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Happy Birthday Army

Jun 14, 2020

245 Years of Selfless Service

On June 14th, we celebrate the 245th birthday of the United States Army, the largest branch of the U.S. Military. We acknowledge all the brave Soldiers who’ve fought with valor and purpose throughout history to maintain the freedoms we so often take for granted.

In the modern Army, there are nearly one million Soldiers serving between active duty and members of the National Guard and Reserve components. Each of them, and all Army veterans, deserve recognition and our most sincere thanks for their service and sacrifice.

While some of the usual public celebrations may not happen at your installation this year, you can always celebrate in your own way at home. Make a cake or other special food. Decorate for the occasion. Listen to festive music. The occasion can celebrate Flag Day too, which is also June 14th!

Another way to celebrate is to honor the history of the Army. If you’re not familiar with the founding of the Army, do a quick online search to find many articles explaining the creation of the branch. One fun fact: the Army is older than the United States itself!

From all of us at Pioneer Military Credit, thank you once again to all Soldiers for the sacrifices you and your family have made in preserving our freedoms. Happy birthday to the United States Army!

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